Add Map in world
- Since: 3.0.0-beta.8
- Method:
- Arguments:
- {
. Object file:
- {
fileName: string;
height: number;
width: number;
x: number;
y: number;
`fileName` represents a file to the JSON file (TMX transformed) or directly the Tiled Map Editor object
(Optional: `false`)
- {<Type type='class of <a href="/classes/map.html">RpgMap</a>' />} `map`. (Optional: `false`)
- **Usage**:
Adding information from the map to the world
> Maximum maps in world: 500
### Remove map of the world
- **Since**: 3.0.0-beta.8
- **Method**: `world.removeMap(mapId)`
- **Arguments**:
- {<Type type='string' />} `mapId`. (Optional: `false`)
- **Return**: <Type type='boolean' />
- **Usage**:
Remove map of the world
### Retrieve information from the world
- **Since**: 3.0.0-beta.8
- **Method**: `world.getMapInfo(id)`
- **Arguments**:
- {<Type type='string' />} `id`. map id (Optional: `false`)
- **Usage**:
Retrieve information from the world
### Retrieves neighboring maps
- **Since**: 3.0.0-beta.8
- **Method**: `world.getAdjacentMaps(map,search)`
- **Arguments**:
- {<Type type=' <a href="/classes/map.html">RpgMap</a>' />} `map`. The source map. We want to find the neighboring maps of the source map (Optional: `false`)
- {<Type type=' PositionBox | Direction | { x: number, y: number } ' />} `search`. Research method
* PositionBox. An object of the following form:
`{ minX: number, minY: number, maxX: number, maxY: number }`
* Direction. Collect all the maps in the given direction (e.g. the maps at the top)
* Point: { x: number, y: number } (Optional: `false`)
- **Example**:
world.getAdjacentMaps(mymap, Direction.Up) // returns [class of RpgMap]
- Usage:
Retrieves neighboring maps according to positions or direction