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Show Text

  • Method: player.showText(text,options)
  • Arguments:
    • {string} text. (Optional: false)
    • {object} options. the different options, see usage below (Optional: true)
  • Return: Promise
  • Usage:

Show a text. This is a graphical interface already built. Opens the GUI named rpg-dialog

player.showText('Hello World')

The method returns a promise. It is resolved when the dialog box is closed.

await player.showText('Hello World')
// dialog box is closed, then ...

Option: position

You can define how the dialog box is displayed:

  • top
  • middle
  • bottom

(bottom by default)

player.showText('Hello World', {
     position: 'top'

Option: fullWidth

boolean (true by default)

Indicate that the dialog box will take the full width of the screen.

player.showText('Hello World', {
     fullWidth: true

Option: autoClose

boolean (false by default)

If false, the user will have to press Enter to close the dialog box.

player.showText('Hello World', {
    autoClose: true

Option: typewriterEffect

boolean (true by default)

Performs a typewriter effect

player.showText('Hello World', {
    typewriterEffect: false

Option: talkWith

RpgPlayer (nothing by default)

If you specify the event or another player, the other player will stop his or her movement and look in the player's direction.

// Code in an event
player.showText('Hello World', {
    talkWith: this

Show Choices

  • Method: player.showChoices(text,choices)
  • Arguments:
    • {string} text. (Optional: false)
    • {Array<{ text: string, value: any }>} choices. (Optional: false)
    • {object} options. Same options as the openDialog method (Optional: true)
  • Return: Promise
  • Usage:

Shows a dialog box with a choice. Opens the GUI named rpg-dialog

const choice = await player.showChoices('What color do you prefer?', [
     { text: 'Black', value: 'black' },
     { text: 'Rather the blue', value: 'blue' },
     { text: 'I don\'t have a preference!', value: 'none' }

// If the player selects the first
console.log(choice) // { text: 'Black', value: 'black' }

Displays a notification

  • Method: player.showNotification()
  • Arguments:
    • {string} message. - The message to display in the notification (Optional: false)
    • {object} options. - An object containing options for the notification (Optional: false)
    • {number} options.time. - The time to display the notification for (in ms). Default: 2000ms (Optional: false)
    • {string} options.icon. - The icon to display in the notification. Put the identifier of the spritesheet (defined on the client side) (Optional: false)
    • {string} options.sound. - The sound to play when the notification is shown. Set the sound ID (defined on the client side) (Optional: false)
  • Return: void
  • Usage:

Displays a notification . Opens the GUI named rpg-notification

Call Main Menu

  • Method: player.callMainMenu()
  • Return: void
  • Usage:

Calls main menu. Opens the GUI named rpg-main-menu

Call Shop Menu

  • Method: player.callShop()
  • Return: void
  • Usage:

Calls shop menu. Opens the GUI named rpg-shop

Call custom GUI

  • Method: player.gui(guiId)
  • Arguments:
    • {string} guiId. (Optional: false)
  • Return: Gui
  • Usage:

Call a custom Gui

// Calls a client-side component, created with VueJS, named "inn".
const gui = player.gui('inn')

 // You can wait for actions on the menu. It only works if the menu is open.
gui.on('accept', () => {

// The GUI is opened by passing recoverable data on the client side.{ hello: 'world' })

When opening the GUI, one can give options

await{ hello: 'world' }, {
     waitingAction: true,
     blockPlayerInput: true
// After the GUI is closed
  • blockPlayerInput: while the GUI is open, the player can not move on the map
  • waitingAction: We explicitly wait until the GUI is closed for the promise to be resolved.

Close custom GUI

  • Method: player.removeGui(guiId,data)
  • Arguments:
    • {string} guiId. (Optional: false)
    • {object} data. Passing data if you close the GUI (Optional: true)
  • Return: Gui
  • Usage:

Closes the GUI and removes it from memory

View to GUI attached

  • Since: 3.0.0-beta.5
  • Method: player.showAttachedGui(players?)
  • Arguments:
    • { RpgPlayer[] | RpgPlayer} players. The GUIs attached to the players to display (Optional: true)
  • Example:
player.showAttachedGui([player1, player2])
  • Usage:

Display the GUI attached to the players

If you don't specify the players as parameters, it will display the GUI of the instance But you can specify which GUIs to display by specifying the players as the first parameter

Hide to GUI attached

  • Since: 3.0.0-beta.5
  • Method: player.hideAttachedGui(players?)
  • Arguments:
    • { RpgPlayer[] | RpgPlayer} players. The GUIs attached to the players to hide (Optional: true)
  • Example:
player.hideAttachedGui([player1, player2])
  • Usage:

Hide the GUI attached to the players