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To put into production:


NODE_ENV=production npm run build

  1. Put the folders dist/server and dist/client on a server
  2. Starting the server in dist/server/main.js.

Example 1:

node dist/server/main

Example 2: (with PM2)

pm2 start dist/server/main.js


NODE_ENV=production RPG_TYPE=rpg npm run build

Put the files in the dist/standalone folder on a static server (as Vercel or Netlify or your own server)

Build with Docker

Create a Dockerfile in the root and put the following code:

FROM node:18 as build
WORKDIR /build
ADD . /build
RUN npm i
ENV NODE_ENV=production
RUN npm run build

FROM node:18-alpine
COPY --from=build /build/dist ./
COPY --from=build /build/package*.json ./
ENV NODE_ENV=production
RUN npm i
CMD node server/main

it will build from the source and recreate a lighter image with the build. Then launch the container with

sudo docker build -t rpg . # Build
sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -d rpg # Run

Put a reverse proxy to use a domain name (for example Candy Server)

Game Server-Client Separation

By default, when you go to the server, it opens the game. but you want to separate the two. Put the NodeJS server on a different IP from the client

Step 1: Modify rpg.toml

Open the rpg.toml file and locate the [] section. Here, you will set the serverUrl to point to your server's WebSocket URL. Replace '' with your actual server URL:

    serverUrl = ''

Step 2: Launch the Server

If you need to customize the server settings, you can set the desired port and static directory by modifying the environment variables. Run the following command to start the server:

PORT=3000 STATIC_DIRECTORY_ENABLED=false node dist/server/main

Replace 3000 with your desired port number and adjust the static directory settings as needed.

By default, port is 3000