Create several attached maps in one world
- Have version 3.0.0-beta.8+
- Use Tiled Map Editor, and mainly the World tool
Why ?
The interest is to teleport the player on an adjacent map on consistent X and Y positions. You can also use a hook to tell if the player can change map or not
Preparing the world in the editor
Click on World > New World
and add a file ending with the extension .world
Next, add maps to the world
- Click on World Tool
- Add the current map to a loaded
Place the maps so that the edges are touching
Add the world to your game
In main/server/index.ts
import { RpgServer, RpgModule } from '@rpgjs/server'
import myworld from './world/'
worldMaps: [
export default class RpgServerEngine { }
Just add JSON file in main/worlds/
The world creates maps automatically and the map ID will be the file name. Be aware that if you already have a map with the same ID, the world will use this map
Bonus. Prevent map change
There are several reasons for this. For example,
- you can check that the character is on a dirt road (by looking at the tile ID)
- You can make a scenario, if the player doesn't have the level, he can't change the map,
- etc.
Go to canChangeMap()
import { RpgPlayer, RpgPlayerHooks, RpgClassMap, RpgMap } from '@rpgjs/server'
export const player: RpgPlayerHooks = {
// others hooks here...
async canChangeMap(player: RpgPlayer, nextMap: RpgClassMap<RpgMap>): Promise<boolean> {
if ( == '<id of next map here>' && player.level < 10) {
await player.showText('You can\'t go in that direction yet. You must have level 10 minimum!')
return false
return true
export default player
import { RpgServer, RpgModule } from '@rpgjs/server'
import player from './player.ts'
import myworld from './maps/tmx/'
worldMaps: [
export default class RpgServerEngine { }
import { RpgPlayer, type RpgPlayerHooks, type RpgClassMap, RpgMap } from '@rpgjs/server'
const player: RpgPlayerHooks = {
// others hooks here...
async canChangeMap(player: RpgPlayer, nextMap: RpgClassMap<RpgMap>): Promise<boolean> {
if ( == '<id of next map here>' && player.level < 10) {
await player.showText('You can\'t go in that direction yet. You must have level 10 minimum!')
return false
return true
export default player
Note that
is not of typeRpgMap
because it is not loaded yet. It's only the class, so you can't get everything from it, e.g. the data of the next map