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Reuse of GUI components

You should know that you can reuse GUI elements:

  • Window
  • Cursor


You must have a menu installed on your project (or you must create it yourself) To install default menu:

  1. npx rpgjs add @rpgjs/default-gui

The windows

In a VueJS file, use the rpg-window component:

    <rpg-window>Hello World</rpg-window>

You can pass options:

    <rpg-window width="200px">Hello World</rpg-window>

Here is the list of options:

  • width
  • height
  • position: top, bottom, middle, or bottom-middle
  • fullWidth: boolean
  • arrow: display an arrow. up or down


In a VueJS file, use the rpg-window component:

    <rpg-choice :choices="choices" @selected="selected"></rpg-choice>

export default {
    data() {
        return  {
            choices: [ 
                { text: 'One', value: 1 }, 
                { text: 'Two', value: 2 } 
    methods: {
        selected(choice) {

Here is the list of options:

  • column: Number of columns for the cursor (1 by default)
  • align: Text alignment. right, center or left (or other value of text-align CSS). left by default
  • active: Possible to move the cursor. true by default


  • selected: A choice has been selected. You receive the choice in parameter
  • canScroll: Indicates whether elements are outside the window and whether j can scroll or not (Useful if you want to display an arrow to indicate that the player can scroll or not)
  • change: The cursor was positioned on another choice. You receive the choice in parameter

If you want to customize the content of a choice:

    <rpg-choice :choices="choices">
        <template v-slot:default="{ choice }">
                <span>{{ choice.text }}</span> 
                <span>{{ choice.nb }}</span> 

export default {
    data() {
        return  {
            choices: [ 
                { text: 'Potion', value: 'potion', nb: 4 }, 
                { text: 'Sword', value: 'sword', nb: 8 } 